Bibliography on Space representation/Représentation spatiale (2017-06-06)
Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda, Semantic multimedia document adaptation with functional annotations, in: Proc. 4th international workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP2009), San Sebastián (ES), pp44-49, 2009
The diversity of presentation contexts (such as mobile phones, PDAs) for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of document specifications. In an earlier work, we have proposed a semantic adaptation framework for multimedia documents. This framework captures the semantics of the document composition and transforms the relations between multimedia objects according to adaptation constraints. In this paper, we show that capturing only the document composition for adaptation is unsatisfactory because it leads to a limited form of adapted solutions. Hence, we propose to guide adaptation with functional annotations, i.e., annotations related to multimedia objects which express a function in the document. In order to validate this framework, we propose to use RDF descriptions from SMIL documents and adapt such documents with our interactive adaptation prototype.
Sébastien Laborie, Adaptation sémantique de documents multimédia, Thèse d'informatique, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (FR), mai 2008
Un document multimédia marie les technologies de l'écrit, de l'image et du son. Actuellement, les documents multimédia doivent pouvoir être exécutés sur de nombreuses plates-formes (téléphones portables, PDA, ordinateurs de bureau, lecteurs de salon...). Cette diversification des utilisations et des supports nécessite l'adaptation des documents à leur contexte d'exécution, parfois imprévisible au moment de la conception du document. Pour s'affranchir des langages ou formats de description multimédia, nous abstrayons les documents en une structure exprimant l'ensemble des relations entre objets du document. Les relations entre objets sont d'ordre temporel, spatial, hypermédia voire inter-dimensionnel, et peuvent être de nature qualitative. Cette structure capture la sémantique des documents car elle est capable de couvrir chacune de ses exécutions potentielles. Dans ce contexte, adapter va consister à calculer un ensemble d'exécutions le plus proche possible de ces exécutions potentielles qui satisfont les contraintes d'adaptation imposées par une plate-forme cible. À cet effet, les relations de la structure abstraite sont modifiées de sorte de satisfaire ces contraintes d'adaptation. Nous montrons, pour chaque dimension du document, comment réaliser ceci de manière réaliste. Afin de montrer l'applicabilité d'une telle approche, nous la développons dans un cadre adapté au standard SMIL pour lequel nous déclinons les adaptations spatiales, temporelles, spatio-temporelles et hypermédia. Nous sommes amenés à développer des techniques spécifiques pour les représentations spatiales et temporelles efficaces. Nous explorons aussi des approches impliquant la suppression d'objets.
Représentation et raisonnement qualitatif, Adaptation, SMIL
Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda, Adaptation spatio-temporelle et hypermédia de documents multimédia, in: Actes atelier sur représentation et raisonnement sur le temps et l'espace (RTE), Montpellier (FR), pp1-13, 2008
Adaptation sémantique, Documents multimédia SMIL
Sébastien Laborie, Spatio-temporal proximities for multimedia document adaptation, in: Proc. 12th conference on Artificial intelligence: methodology, systems and applications (AIMSA), Varna (BG), (Jérôme Euzenat, John Domingue (eds), Artificial intelligence: methodology, systems and applications (Proc. 12th conference on Artificial intelligence: methodology, systems and applications (AIMSA)), Lecture notes in computer science 4183, 2006), pp128-137, 2006
The multiplication of execution contexts for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of the document specification to the particularities of the contexts. In this paper, we propose to apply a semantic approach for multimedia document adaptation to the spatio-temporal dimension of documents. To guarantee that the adapted document is close to the initial one respecting adaptation constraints, we define proximities for adapting static documents (i.e., documents without animations) and animated documents. Moreover, we show that these proximities can be refined according to multimedia object properties (e.g., images, videos...). The approach is illustrated by an example.
Adaptation sémantique, Documents multimédia SMIL
Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda, A spatial algebra for multimedia document adaptation, in: Yannis Avrithis, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Steffen Staab, Noel O'Connor (eds), Proc. 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies poster session (SAMT), Athens (GR), pp7-8, 2006
The multiplication of execution contexts for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of document specifications. This paper instantiates our previous semantic approach for multimedia document adaptation to the spatial dimension of multimedia documents. Our goal is to find a qualitative spatial representation that computes, in a reasonable time, a set of adaptation solutions close to the initial document satisfying a profile. The quality of an adaptation can be regarded in two respects: expressiveness of adaptation solutions and computation speed. In this context, we propose a new spatial representation sufficiently expressive to adapt multimedia documents faster.
Adaptation sémantique, Documents multimédia SMIL
Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Nabil Layaïda, Adaptation sémantique de documents SMIL, in: Actes journées de travail interdisciplinaire sur autour des documents structurés, Giens (FR), pp1-5, 2006
Adaptation sémantique, Documents multimédia SMIL
Jérôme Euzenat, Granularity in relational formalisms with application to time and space representation, Computational intelligence 17(4):703-737, 2001
Temporal and spatial phenomena can be seen at a more or less precise granularity, depending on the kind of perceivable details. As a consequence, the relationship between two objects may differ depending on the granularity considered. When merging representations of different granularity, this may raise problems. This paper presents general rules of granularity conversion in relation algebras. Granularity is considered independently of the specific relation algebra, by investigating operators for converting a representation from one granularity to another and presenting six constraints that they must satisfy. The constraints are shown to be independent and consistent and general results about the existence of such operators are provided. The constraints are used to generate the unique pairs of operators for converting qualitative temporal relationships (upward and downward) from one granularity to another. Then two fundamental constructors (product and weakening) are presented: they permit the generation of new qualitative systems (e.g. space algebra) from existing ones. They are shown to preserve most of the properties of granularity conversion operators.
Granularity, Space representation, Time representation, Relation algebra, Interval algebra, Product, Weakening