Valeria Fionda, Giuseppe Pirrò, BioTRON: A biological workflow management system, in: William Chu, Eric Wong, Mathew Palakal, Chih-Cheng Hung (eds), Proc. 26th ACM symposium on applied computing (SAC), Taipei (TW), pp77-82, 2011
Bioinformatics tasks may become very complex and usually require to manually integrate both data and results from different knowledge sources and tools. In this scenario, an integrated environment for designing and executing complex biological workflows is a must. Even though several efforts are trying to cope with this aspects, they mostly focus on gene or protein sequence analysis underestimating more complex biological data such as molecular interaction data. The aim of this paper is to present the BioTRON system, which supports biologists in the various steps necessary to perform complex biological tasks such as biological network comparison. BioTRON also features a mechanism to automatically integrate even existing on-line Web services. We present the BioTRON architecture along with a real example, which shows the suitability of the tool.