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- OM Tool Fair Summary (Atanas Kiryakov)
- DIP OM Infrastructure (Atanas Kiryakov)
- SEKT OM Infrastructure (Peter Haase)
- Benchmarking the interoperability of ontology development tools (Raul Garcia-Castro)
- ORDI and wsmo4j (Damyan Ognyanov)
- KAON2, dlpconvert, evOWLuition, Oyster p2p ontology repository (Peter Haase)
- OWLIM - OWL DLP support within Sesame (Damyan Ognyanov)
- YARS: RDF Storage and Retrieval (Andreas Harth)
- WebODE and ODEMapster (Raul Garcia-Castro)
- Ontology Mapping Store API (Atanas Kiryakov)
- WSMX Data Mediation (Adrian Mocan)
- DIP Ontology Versioning Library (Jacek Kopecký)
- An API for Ontology Alignment (Jérôme Euzenat)
OM Tool Fair
part of the SDK OM Workgroup meeting
One of the focuses of the Grenoble meeting of the SDK Ontology Management workgroup is to raise the awareness about the ontology management tools, components, frameworks, APIs, and any other software infrastructure related to the OM work within SEKT, DIP, and Knowledge Web. The tools of interest include, but are not limited to, the following species:
- Ontology editors, development, mapping and evolution environments;
- Ontology repositories, servers, and reasoners;
- APIs, component implementations, parsers, validators.
The OM Tool Fair will take approximately one day and will be structured as follows:
- Overview of the tools developed within each of the projects, including architectural notes;
- Tool presentations;
- One-to-one demonstrations and discussions;
- Interoperability discussion — identification of dependencies, requirements, integration points and scenarios.
The tool presentations are expected to take 40 minutes each and be structured as follows:
- Tool introduction — who are the developers, relations to projects, standards, and other tools;
- References to conceptual work (e.g. mapping and evolution strategies used);
- Functionality — major features, capabilities, limitations;
- Architecture, custimization and integration options;
- Performance and scalability;
- Current status, recommended stable version, development plans;
- References: web sites, SourceForge projects, mailing lists, documentation (end of the slideware);
- Demonstration.
Proposals for tool demonstrations should be sent to Atanas Kiryakov (nasosirma
bg) no latter than 26.03.2005. The proposals should include: name of the tool, authors/developers (with their organizations), short description (up to one page). The organizers will try to provide slots for all relevant tool presentations.