Zhengjie Fan, Data linking with ontology alignment, in: Proc. 9th conference on European semantic web conference (ESWC), Heraklion (GR), (Elena Simperl, Philipp Cimiano, Axel Polleres, Óscar Corcho, Valentina Presutti (eds), The semantic web: research and applications (Proc. 9th European semantic web conference poster session), Lecture notes in computer science 7295, 2012), pp854-858, 2012
It is a trend to publish RDF data on the web, so that users can share information semantically. Then, linking isolated data sets together is highly needed. I would like to reduce the comparison scale by isolating the types of resources to be compared, so that it enhances the accuracy of the linking process. I propose a data linking method for linked data on the web. Such a method can interlink linked data automatically by referring to an ontology alignment between linked data sets. Alignments can provide them entities to compare.