
  author = {Cassia Trojahn and Christian Meilicke and J\'er\^ome Euzenat},
  title = {Iterative implementation of services for the automatic evaluation of matching tools},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2011},
  number = {D12.5v1.0-beta},
  month = {February}
  author = {Cassia Trojahn and Christian Meilicke and J\'er\^ome Euzenat},
  title = {Iterative implementation of services for the automatic evaluation of matching tools},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2011},
  number = {D12.5v1.0-FR},
  month = {July}
  author = {Stuart N. Wrigley and Ra\'ul Garc\'ia-Castro and Liliana Cabral and C\'assia Trojahn and Christian Meilicke and Lyndon Nixon and Mikalai Yatskevich},
  title = {Design of the second evaluation campaign},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2011},
  number = {D3.5},
  month = {June}
  author = {Stuart Wrigley and Ra\'ul Garc\'ia-Castro and Liliana Cabral and Dorothee Reinhard and C\'assia Trojahn and Stephan Grimm and Mikalai Yatskevich},
  title = {Design of the First Evaluation Campaign},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2010},
  number = {D3.2},
  month = {February}
  author = {Cassia Trojahn and J\'er\^ome Euzenat and Christian Meilicke and Heiner Stuckenschmidt},
  title = {Evaluation Design and Collection of Test Data for  Matching Tools},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2009},
  number = {D12.1},
  month = {November}
  author = {Christian Meilicke and Cassia Trojahn and J\'er\^ome Euzenat and Heiner Stuckenschmidt},
  title = {Services for the automatic evaluation of matching tools},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2010},
  number = {D12.2},
  month = {July}
  author = {Cassia Trojahn and Christian Meilicke and J\'er\^ome Euzenat and Ondrej Sv\'ab-Zamazal},
  title = {Results of the first evaluation of matching tools},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2010},
  number = {D12.3},
  month = {November}
  author = {Cassia Trojahn and Christian Meilicke and J\'er\^ome Euzenat and Ondrej Sv\'ab-Zamazal},
  title = {Iterative implementation of services for the automatic evaluation of matching tools},
  institution = {{SEALS Project}},
  year = {2011},
  number = {D12.5},
  month = {February}
  author = {Gilbert Rondeau and Claude Roux and Anne Schiller and Luigi Siciliano and Cassia Trojahn},
  title = {Advanced interface (with report on usability and accessibility)},
  institution = {{CACAO Project}},
  year = {2009},
  number = {D4.2},
  month = {May}

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